
  • Why Veneers Could Be the Answer to Your Self-Conscious Smile

    If you are not happy with how you look when you smile, you may wonder if your dentist can truly make a difference. After all, you may not want to go through any invasive procedures or have any replacement teeth if you can help it, but you may want to take some action to improve matters. In this case, perhaps you should consider dental veneers, but what are these, and how should you proceed?
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  • 5 Oral Hygiene Rules to Stick to While Brushing Your Teeth

    Your toothbrush is your primary weapon against tooth decay and other related oral conditions. Use your toothbrush well and you can cut down on your visits to your dentist for dental treatment. Many people don't brush their teeth enough. And other people are unaware of the correct brushing technique. While brushing your teeth, keep the following rules in mind to ensure that your teeth are clean and undamaged after each oral hygiene session.
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  • What's a Mesiodens Tooth, and Does It Need Treatment?

    Supernumerary means extra, beyond what is needed, or surplus to requirements—so you can probably guess what a supernumerary tooth is. The trouble is that your dental arch is configured to hold a certain number of teeth, and anything beyond that creates the risk of dental overcrowding. This can lead to issues with the alignment and general health of your teeth. There are subcategories of supernumerary teeth, and some are more problematic than others.
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  • The Dos and Don'ts of Oral Hygiene When You Have Dentures

    When your dentist fits you with a new set of dentures, they're providing you with a life-changing alteration to your appearance. Whether you're replacing one missing tooth or several, you'll need to maintain an excellent oral hygiene routine. Doing so helps to ensure you remain free from gum disease and can help you keep more of your natural teeth for longer. If you're new to wearing false teeth, it'll help to learn some oral hygiene dos and don'ts.
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  • 5 Reasons for an Emergency Tooth Extraction

    The need for an emergency tooth extraction is one reason to call an emergency dentist. Knowing when the issue requires emergency intervention is necessary. 1. Severe Pain Toothache pain can be one of the most severe types of pain you can feel. If you can alleviate much of the discomfort with the use of over-the-counter pain reducers like acetaminophen or a gum numbing gel from the chemist, then emergency extraction may not be needed and you can instead just schedule an appointment.
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  • 3 Dental Implant Care Tips

    Dental implants, with the correct care, can last a lifetime. On the other hand, if you neglect the care of your dental implants, then they can fail and end up needing to be taken out. Follow these tips to care for your dental implants and ensure they provide you with a lifetime of service. 1. Quit Smoking Now The best time to quit smoking is at least a few weeks in advance of your dental implant surgery.
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  • Choosing the Strongest and Longest-Lasting Dental Crown

    Nothing lasts forever, as you may remind yourself when you're in the dentist's chair. Many types of restorative dentistry are intended to be a permanent solution to a dental problem. While the technique itself can be considered a permanent fix, the hardware utilised in the technique has a finite lifespan. When you need dental crowns in your mouth, how long will those crowns actually last? And what can you do to ensure that they're as long-lasting as possible?
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  • How Dentures Can Cause Inflammation at the Corners of Your Mouth

    Whether you had been missing some, or all of your teeth, when your smile was restored by dentures, you had a full set of functional teeth once again. As the years have gone by, your smile might not be quite so sparkling anymore. Although your dentures might be perfectly intact, the effect is spoiled by the development of obvious red inflammation at the corners of your mouth. But what is this inflammation, and how are your dentures involved?
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  • Why Would an Impacted Wisdom Tooth Suddenly Start to Hurt?

    You might already be well aware of the fact that you have impacted wisdom teeth. You probably don't give these third molars all that much thought — until they painfully remind you of their presence. Why can impacted wisdom teeth suddenly start to hurt, and what's the best way to manage the situation? Asymptomatic to Symptomatic Your dentist is similarly aware of the presence of your impacted wisdom teeth and has opted to leave them alone.
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  • Should You Use Mouthwash?

    If you brush and floss your teeth twice a day, do you need to also use mouthwash to keep your mouth fresh and healthy? Dentists recommend using mouthwash to reduce dental plaque, freshen breath and in some cases, lower the risk of gum disease. Before you add mouthwash to your dental routine, here are a few things you should know about how to use it. Do You Need Mouthwash? Some people manage to keep their teeth clean and healthy through a combination of brushing, flossing and regular professional cleanings carried out by their dentist.
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