
  • Why You Should Never Take Shortcuts When Trying to Get Your Teeth Straightened

    The Internet is a marvellous tool, and you will have no doubt spent many a long hour searching for a solution to your particular problem. It's a great resource and can often save you a lot of time while providing the fix that you were looking for. However, it's not always best to trust the information that you find online, especially when it comes to your dental health. For example, you may have been advised to take shortcuts to try and straighten your teeth, as some so-called "
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  • 3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Thermoplastic Mouth Guards In 2019

    So you've set a New Year's resolution to be more active and healthy. You've even decided to buy new cleats and return to the rugby pitch. But have you considered how to protect your teeth moving forward? Many contact sports expose players to the risk of blows near the mouth. Luckily, mouth guards absorb this impact and protect your teeth from damage. For many years, mouth guards have been made from a flexible material called ethylene.
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  • How Mouthguards Reduce the Risk of Concussion in Contact Sports

    In addition to mouthguards minimising the risk of tooth loss, cracked teeth or damaged jawbones, this equipment also reduces the risk of an athlete suffering from a concussion. Concussions are a leading cause of injury in many athletes around the country. They significantly affect your health and can result in long-term complications if not effectively treated. Luckily, wearing a custom-fitted and properly manufactured mouthguard can absorb impact to the lower jaw and base of the skull while you are playing contact sports.
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  • 3 Foods To Avoid After Being Fitted For A Dental Bridge

    The end-of-year holidays are almost here, which means there are plenty of functions to attend and yummy foods to eat. As someone who has just been fitted with dental bridges, you are still finding your way on what you can and can't eat with the bridge in place. Use this helpful cheat sheet to narrow down which foods you should avoid in order to keep your dental bridge looking as good as new.
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  • Why You Should Look Forward to Your "High-Tech" Dentures

    Are you particularly self-conscious about your appearance? If so, you may be having a particularly hard time trying to figure out what to do about your teeth, as these have certainly seen better days. You may have been slow to visit a dentist during your lifetime and now have evidence of deterioration, with several gaps or crooked teeth, as well as discolouration.  Yet even though you may need dentures, you don't like this alternative either.
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  • What to consider when selecting over-the-counter teeth whitening products

    Teeth whitening products for home use come in many different types. Some are whitening strips that you place on your teeth for a few hours a day, while others come in the form of a mouthwash that you use after brushing your teeth. If you're looking to achieve a brighter smile, over-the-counter (OTC) teeth whitening products are useful. However, the wide variety of these products can be overwhelming if you're just getting started.
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  • Children's Dental Health: Three Crucial Tips for Using Space Maintainers

    If your child loses their primary teeth prematurely and the gap is neglected, malocclusion might occur. In general, the malocclusion will occur because the teeth surrounding the gap will shift to the empty space. When the permanent tooth erupts, there will be limited space for growth. As a result, the secondary teeth will be crooked, necessitating extensive dental treatment. Fortunately, malocclusion and subsequent dental problems can be avoided by obtaining space maintainers from a children's orthodontist.
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  • Reasons to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed Before They Cause Trouble

    Whether your wisdom teeth have emerged from your gums seemingly fine and in good health or you're procrastinating a visit to the dentist even though they're completely impacted, it's usually a good idea to get them removed. It isn't without reason that many people are now not even developing wisdom teeth; you could say that the force of evolution is trying to say something! So, apart from a painful toothache for example, what are some less-obvious reasons that you should get one, some, or all of your wisdom teeth removed?
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  • Is Your Dry Mouth a Threat to Your Dental Health?

    Have you noticed that your mouth is constantly dry? It is quite common to experience that parched sensation now and then, but if you are suffering persistently, and speaking and swallowing is uncomfortable, it's certainly time for investigation. Maintaining your oral health is paramount. This easy guide will help you discover what is causing the condition and how you can find relief. Understand the Causes of Dry Mouth Xerostomia or dry mouth is caused by a decrease in the amount of saliva produced by the body.
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  • After Dental Implants: Three Tips to Ease Your Adjustment

    Dental implants are one of the most popular of all tooth replacement services today, and for good reason. They can give you a permanent solution that also happens to look incredibly natural. Whilst there's no doubt that dental implants offer some great benefits, you'll have to go through a bit of an adjustment period before you can use your implants just like natural teeth. Here are three tips that can make that adjustment period as smooth and easy as possible.
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