How You Can Beat Periapical Abscess At Home

Posted on: 28 July 2016

An abscess is an infection that is usually characterized by a pus-filled swell in or around the tooth. If the swell occurs between the gum and the tooth, the abscess is known as periodontal abscess. But if it occurs inside the tooth, it is known as periapical abscess. A periapical abscess is caused by nerves that are dying or nerves that are already dead. The nerves die due to different factors such as extensive tooth decay, a blow to the tooth, or tooth trauma caused by clenching and grinding of teeth.
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Can You Fix Dentures If a Tooth Breaks Off?

Posted on: 23 June 2016

While dentures are robust and designed to last, they can be damaged and can suffer from wear over time. For example, if you drop your dentures or if the side of your plate becomes too worn, one or more of the teeth on the plate may come off. Can you re-attach a broken off tooth from dentures yourself or should you have a professional repair? The DIY Approach There is plenty of advice online on how to stick a tooth back onto a denture plate using regular glues or specialist dental adhesives.
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5 Tips to Avoid Smoking Before and After Dental Implant Surgery

Posted on: 23 June 2016

If you're a smoker, your dental implants are twice as likely to fail and need to be removed than implants placed in a non-smoker. The chemicals in cigarette smoke slow down healing, reduce blood flow to the implant site and increase the risk of infection. The best way to ensure the success of your dental implants is to stop smoking completely, but if that's not an option, stopping for six weeks after your surgery can reduce your risk of infection and dental implant failure.
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Pregnancy and Dental Health: Do You Need to See a Periodontist During Pregnancy?

Posted on: 19 May 2016

There is so much to consider during pregnancy. One of those is maintaining your dental health. You are more at risk of gum disease and plaque build-up during this time. Do you really need to see a periodontist in pregnancy? Here are four reasons to keep your dental checks up to date. The Experts Recommend It Experts who have carried out research into various health problems have found that women are best keeping on top of their dental health during pregnancy.
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